Page:The Winning Touchdown.djvu/284

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afternoon, the Hebrew promising to bring the chair to them on the morrow. "We'll have a celebration in honor of its return."

"Nothing in the fancy eats line until after the big game, I'm afraid," objected Sid. "Kindlings and Lighton will sit down on that. But we'll have a double celebration after we do up Boxer Hall."

"I wish it was to-morrow—I mean, so we could sit in the old chair," went on Phil, almost as eager as a child.

But the chair did not come the next day, and after fretting and worrying, the boys received a badly written, and worse spelled, postal from Mr. Rosenkranz, explaining that his horse was sick, but that he would deliver the chair as soon as the animal was well.

"Say, there's a hoodoo about that chair," declared Tom, as he went out to football practice with his mates.

It was on the morning of the big game with Boxer Hall that an ancient wagon, drawn by a decrepit horse, drove up to Randall College. At first the students were inclined to make game of the outfit, but when Phil and Tom discovered that it was Mr. Rosenkranz with their chair, there was a change of heart. For the belief that the chair might prove to be a mascot or "lucky" hunch had grown.

"There she is!" cried Sid, seeing the old piece