Page:The Winning Touchdown.djvu/295

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Dr. Churchill had requested them to say nothing for a little while regarding the finding of the deed.

"Now for Boxer Hall," remarked Phil, grimly, as he looked at his watch. "They'll begin to arrive in about an hour."

Wallops, the messenger, stepped toward our friends.

"There's a gentleman just gone up to your room," he said. "He was inquiring for you, and I sent him up. He said he'd wait outside until you came back from the president's office."

"Who is he?" asked Tom. "Maybe it's some of our folks, fellows, come to see the big game."

"No, I think he is a stranger," remarked the messenger.

Wondering who could be paying them a visit at this time, our heroes hastened their steps. Outside, in the corridor, they saw a man excitedly pacing up and down. He approached them eagerly.

"Are you Mr. Parsons, Mr. Clinton, and—er——" He paused, as if trying to remember the other names.

"Simpson and Henderson," finished Tom. "Did you want to see us?"

"Indeed I do, very much! Did you receive a big chair from a dealer named Rosenkranz, a few days ago?"

"We received it to-day," spoke Phil. "Why?"