Page:The Winning Touchdown.djvu/301

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It was stated that two halves of thirty minutes each would be played, and it was also known that some of the old-time rules, as regarded play, would be used, for the Tonaka Lake League had their own ideas on this subject.

The crowd continued to increase, and when Captain Miller, of Boxer Hall, and Captain Woodhouse, of Randall, met for a conference, the stands had overflowed into the field, where the officers had trouble keeping the crowd back of the ropes.

Boxer won the toss, and there was a momentary feeling of disappointment at this, but it soon passed away, for there was no wind, and little advantage to be gained by selecting a goal.

"I'm glad we've got 'em on our own grounds," remarked Tom, in a low voice.

"Yes, that's one advantage," agreed Phil. "Oh, if we can only win, old man—if we only can! Then Randall will come into her own again, and down all her enemies."

"We're going to win," said Tom, simply, as if that settled it.

Boxer elected to defend the south goal, which gave the ball to Randall to be kicked off. Holly Cross topped it on a little mound of dirt. He looked to Kindlings for a confirmatory nod, which the captain gave, after a glance at his men. The Boxer Halls were on the alert. The whistle of