Page:The Wireless Operator with the U.S. Coast Guard.djvu/101

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A Call for Help

he left the wireless shack at the end of the watch, Henry felt that he had added much to his ability as a wireless man.

If Henry could have heard Mr. Sharp’s report to Captain Hardwick, he would have been pleased, indeed. For the chief electrician went immediately to the captain’s cabin when the watch was ended.

“Does he know anything about wireless?” asked the commander, when the chief radio man told him the examination was over.

“He’s a dandy, Captain,” smiled the wireless man. “So far as the matter of wireless comprehension and ability to receive and send are concerned, he’s easily superior to my regular assistants, much superior. But what I like about him is his spirit and his comprehension. He’s anything but a dumb-bell. I think he’s fairly entitled to a grade of 97 on his examination.”

The captain smiled. “I guess you are favoring him a bit,” he said.

“No, I am not. You see he has had an excellent training. He was a substitute operator in the Frankfort government station for a time. They employ only first-class men in such a station, you know.”

“I’m glad to have such a favorable report of him. I’ve taken a great fancy to the lad, and wish he could be one of your assistants.”