Page:The Wireless Operator with the U.S. Coast Guard.djvu/106

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The Wireless Operator

had run well up the New England coast, and it was not much out of her way to touch at Boston. The captain headed direct for that city, and Henry was looking forward to seeing, within a few hours, the scene of the Boston tea party, when another message came whining through the ether that made Henry for a time forget all about Boston. For this new message Henry read in the radio shack as young Black, who was on watch, copied it down. It read as follows:

“First mate nearly dead with fever. Can you give medical assistance? Heard you give your location. Our position is forty-three north latitude, sixty-five west longitude. Will stand by for reply.”

The message came from a Norwegian tramp steamer, the Viking. Henry volunteered to take the message to the captain’s cabin. When the commander had read the message, he drew a chart from a drawer of his desk and picked up pencil and ruler.

“We ought to be about at forty-one north and sixty-four west,” he muttered, marking the spot on his chart. “The tramp is here,” and he made a second dot on his map. He drew an equilateral triangle on his map and noted where the shore-ward apex fell. “We won’t have to go a fathom