Page:The Wireless Operator with the U.S. Coast Guard.djvu/133

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The City of Paul Revere

AS usual, Henry found that the captain was up and about when he himself awoke. As he hustled into his clothes he felt ashamed to seem to be such a laggard. He found, however, that he wasn’t so late as he had thought. In fact, it was still early, but the captain was such a tireless worker that one would indeed have had to get up early to be ahead of him. As usual, he was at his desk. He rose as Henry entered the cabin. In his hand was a red-bordered Coast Guard radio telegraph blank.

“Good-morning,” said the captain. “How are you this morning?”

“Just the very best,” said Henry. “I hope that I am not too late. I wanted to be up before we reached the harbor. Are we anywhere near Boston?”

“You’re just in time. We're off Boston Light now. I am just going to send this message to the Commandant of the Navy Yard.”

The commander reached for his call-bell, but Henry held out his hand. “Let me take it,” he offered.