Page:The Wireless Operator with the U.S. Coast Guard.djvu/151

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The City of Paul Revere

the captain’s map. And even with that in his hand he was sometimes bothered to know which way to go, so poorly were the streets marked. Many were the new and interesting things he saw on his way back to the Navy Yard. “I’m surely coming back to Boston again some time,” he thought. “It is a wonderfully interesting place.” And then the idea occurred to him that if he succeeded in becoming a Coast Guard man, it might be possible for him to visit not only Boston, but also many other American cities. He was more determined than ever that he would persist in his effort until he won the place he wanted. Then, too, he could be of some real service to this commander he loved, for Henry had become very loyal to Captain Hardwick. The time when he could be of service to the commander of the Iroquois was a great deal nearer than Henry dreamed. Perhaps it was as well he did not realize that, or understand the trying experiences that lay so close before him.