Page:The Wireless Operator with the U.S. Coast Guard.djvu/160

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The Wireless Operator

It may be two or three miles distant, but they’ll come with their outfit. They must have gotten the wireless flash just as we did. It’s likely they’re on their way now. What a fight that will be—those miles across the sand with their heavy boats in this wind. They’ll do it, though. But maybe we can get to the Capitol City before she breaks up. I wish we dared go faster.”

He stepped out on the bridge and conferred with the lieutenant. “Do you think that we dare drive her any faster?”’ he shouted in the latter’s ear.

The lieutenant shook his head dubiously. “Well, we’ll try it,” said the commander.

And he stepped into the wheel-house and signaled for more speed. ‘The response was terrifying. Under increased power the Iroquois drove ahead, bit by bit gaining greater momentum. Savagely she charged into the seas. Wildly the waves leaped to meet her. The impact grew ever more terrific. Soon a huge mountain of water came roaring down on the little cutter. Up it rose and up and up, while the cutter charged to meet it, and as it broke and crashed forward, the cutter dived completely under it. The shock was terrific. Tons of water crashed down on the deck, then went racing aft against the superstructure. The Iroquois seemed to stop in her tracks. She trembled from stem