Page:The Wireless Operator with the U.S. Coast Guard.djvu/197

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Henry Finds He Has an Enemy

home. Aren’t you willing to do your share? Belford here has been working like a Trojan for I don’t know how many hours. He’s all worn out. We want you to take this trick. You'll have to watch close, for there’ll likely be calls for us. Summon me at once if you hear our call.”

“I reckon I can answer a call as well as anybody on this boat,” growled the scowling radio man.

“See here, Black,” said Henry. “Why do you want to make trouble? We’re still at sea, and we’ve got some tall traveling to do before we are back safe in New York. We’ve all got to pull together. I’m not asking you to do this for me. It’s for the good of the ship.” And then, noting the sullen look in the lad’s eyes, Henry continued: “There’s one thing more. I’m acting under orders from the captain. He has ordered me to take charge of the wireless. My instructions are to let no one touch the key but myself. All I can do is to pass those orders along. If you hear a call for the Iroquois, waken me at once. I’ll answer it.”

Young Black mumbled an unwilling assent, and swore under his breath. Henry and the other radio man passed out of the shack to the stateroom. They noticed that the wind had decreased greatly.

Once in the stateroom, Henry turned to his