Page:The Wireless Operator with the U.S. Coast Guard.djvu/202

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The Wireless Operator

Finally he could stand them no longer. He rose, drew on his clothes, and made his way toward the radio shack. Light was beginning to illumine the eastern sky. The sea still heaved violently, but the wind had lost most of its force. Peace was returning to the troubled world.

Then Henry stepped inside of the radio shack, and stood as though petrified. Young Black lay back in his chair, his eyes tightly closed, snoring loudly. He was sound asleep. For all that Henry knew, he might have been asleep for a long time.

“Black,” said Henry sternly, touching the sleeping wireless man on the shoulder. When the sleeper merely grunted, Henry said, still more sternly, “Wake up!” And this time he shook the sleeper vigorously.

Slowly young Black opened his eyes. A savage oath burst from his lips as he saw who was standing before him and realized his situation. Then a crafty look came into his eyes. He laughed.

“Fooled you that time, didn’t I?” he chuckled. “You thought I was asleep.”

“No, you didn’t fool me,” said Henry. “I don’t think you were asleep. I know it. Put on your head-phones and attend to your business.”

All the ill nature in the other lad’s being leaped to the front. “You spy!” he snarled, with an