Page:The Wireless Operator with the U.S. Coast Guard.djvu/206

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The Wireless Operator

went straight to the captain’s cabin. “Come in,” said the captain, when Henry knocked.

“Good-morning, Captain Hardwick,” said Henry, as he entered the cabin. “I have come to you on a disagreeable business. I have to report young Black for carelessness about his work.”’

The captain looked at Henry keenly. “Have you boys been quarreling?” he asked.

“I was afraid you’d think that was about the size of it,” responded Henry, “and I was very reluctant to bother you with the matter at all. But I thought I really owed it to you, Captain Hardwick. I could not sleep after the excitement last night, and I dressed and went to the wireless room. Black was on duty, and I found him fast asleep.”

The captain’s face grew dark as a thundercloud. “Asleep at the wireless key!” he said. “It was indeed your duty to report the matter to me. I’ll break that fellow quick. We’ll have him before a court-martial and clap him in the brig, and he’ll be dishonorably discharged the minute we reach shore.”

“Please don’t do that, Captain Hardwick. I should hate to think I had made a fellow lose his job. Maybe he'll do better in future. Won’t you let him off with a reprimand or some slight punishment?”