Page:The Wireless Operator with the U.S. Coast Guard.djvu/212

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The Wireless Operator

as an operator were passing fast. When Mr. Sharp rejoined the boat in New York, he would of course be relieved from duty. He wanted to learn all he could about the work of a wireless man on shipboard, so hour after hour he sat in the wireless shack, sometimes alone at his own watch and sometimes with his associates.

What was his great joy, on one of these long watches, to hear in the frosty air the crackling signal “WNA—WNA—WNA—de—WNG.” Well did Henry know that call. Often had he flashed it out himself. It was the call of the Lycoming, and her sister ship, the Tioga, was callng her. The Lycoming must be nearing port. Roy would be at her key. He would be in New York when Henry got there, perhaps, or at any rate he would reach there a few hours later. Henry felt that his troubles were over. Roy would help him out, and maybe could find him a permanent job. At any rate, Roy had repeatedly asked Henry to make the trip to Galveston and back as his guest. He would make the trip now. The immediate future was provided for. With his heart beating with happiness, Henry listened to the exchange of communications between the Tioga and the Lycoming, then threw over his switch and rapped out the call, “WNA—WNA—WNA—de—NTE.”