Page:The Wireless Operator with the U.S. Coast Guard.djvu/238

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The Wireless Operator

“Why, Mr. Sharp,” said Henry, “you’re sick; you’re real sick. You must have a high fever.”

“I guess that I am about all in,” agreed the chief electrician. “I’ve been taking some dope that the doctor gave me for this cold, and I thought that I could throw it off, but. I guess it’s got me.”

“Have you reported sick to the doctor?”

“No. I thought a while ago that I had better do so, but there wasn’t any one here to take a message, and I felt so rocky I just hadn’t gumption enough to get up and go to the doctor myself.”

“Let me call the doctor for you,” urged Henry.

“All right. I’ll be obliged to you.”

Delighted to find something to do, Henry stepped from the room and hurried aft to the wardroom. There he found the doctor, who came at once. When the latter had taken Mr. Sharp’s temperature and examined him otherwise, he said: “Sparks, it’s you for the sick bay, quick. What do you mean by lying here half dead and not sending for help?”

“You can’t put me in any sick bay,” protested the chief electrician weakly. “I’ve got to go on duty shortly.”

At that the doctor exploded. “Humph!” he snorted. “Duty! Yes, on a white cot! You’ll