Page:The Wireless Operator with the U.S. Coast Guard.djvu/275

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Henry’s Exoneration

There were more good things in store for Henry. Next day the mail boy brought him two letters. One was from Willie, regretting his unforeseen absence from New York and announcing his speedy return; and the other was from Henry’s mother, giving her consent to his enlistment as a Coast Guard wireless man.

Henry took his mother’s letter to Captain Hardwick. ‘The captain smiled with satisfaction as he read it. “That settles the matter for sure,” he said. “This communication makes your appointment effective, and you are now a regularly appointed member of my staff. My congratulations, Sparks!”

Henry took the proffered hand. “It will be a great day for me, Captain,” he said, “when I am a real Sparks like Mr. Sharp. I intend to be. I’m going to study hard and climb up.”

“Your appointment is a probationary one, you understand,” said the commander. “But I haven’t the least doubt that at the end of three months I shall be able to confirm it.”

“I’ll do all I possibly can to deserve such confirmation,” said Henry stoutly. “We wireless men want to help you all we can, Captain.”

“I wish you could help me catch some dope smugglers that have been bothering the custom officials here for a long time,” sighed the captain. “But I don’t know how you could do it. These