Page:The Wireless Operator with the U.S. Coast Guard.djvu/278

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The Wireless Operator

but catch the Orient, of course we'd get her. But you’ve seen enough in your brief stay aboard the Iroquois to know that the Coast Guard is a pretty busy organization. We don’t have the time necessary to devote to a little matter like this. Yet this smuggling ought to be stopped.”

Henry was all afire with the problem of helping his captain catch the crooked commander of the Orient. He could think of nothing else all that day. Finally an idea popped into his head. “Captain Hardwick,” he said, as soon as he could find the commander, “wouldn’t the Navy Yard wireless help us out?”’

“Help us out? What do you mean?”

“Why, to catch the Orient, to be sure.”

The commander laughed. “Are you still thinking about that?” he said.

“Of course I’m thinking about it. You said you wanted help.”

“Well, bless my stars!” cried the commander. “Let’s hear all about it. How is the Navy Yard wireless to help us catch the Orient?” He was laughing good-naturedly, but he began to look interested as Henry unfolded his plan.

“Why couldn’t the Navy Yard sound the Orient’s call and keep on sending at intervals, whether she answered or not?”

“Doubtless the Navy Yard could, but what good would it do?”