Page:The Wireless Operator with the U.S. Coast Guard.djvu/309

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The executive officer chose twenty men from the crew of the Iroquois. They climbed down the ladder into the Wilmington’s waiting boat, the Englishmen following. The executive officer, who had been below all the evening, drew off his low shoes and began to pull on high laced boots.

Henry ran out of the radio shack. “Please, may I go?”’ he cried. “No,” said the executive officer. “This is no place for boys.”

Henry fell on his knees and began to lace up the executive officer’s boots. “Please, Mr. Harris,” he pleaded. “You can’t get along without a radio man.”

“The Wilmington’s own radio man is going back,” said the executive officer shortly.

“But he will need a relief.”

“Not before we reach Halifax.”

“Then let me go and sling chow. You haven’t any mess boy. I can do other jobs between meals.”

By this time the executive officer was almost in the boat. He took a last look upward.

“Please, Mr. Harris,’ pleaded Henry, “please let me go.”

“Come on, then,” growled the executive officer. “But it’s no place for boys.”

Eagerly Henry followed his leader into the waiting boat. The craft was pushed away from