Page:The Wireless Operator with the U.S. Coast Guard.djvu/321

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Henry rose and made his way to the cabin, wondering what the commander wanted now.

“I suppose you will be going to see your friends at your first opportunity, Henry,” said the captain.

“Indeed I shall, sir.”

“You’ll have a lot to tell them,” smiled the commander.

“Won’t they be surprised when they hear all I’ve got to say!”

“Mr. Harris has been telling me about the last moments of the Wilmington,” continued Captain Hardwick. “Of course your probationary period was up long ago, as you know, Henry, but you haven’t had a chance to see your friends since then. It occurred to me that when you tell them you have passed your probationary period satisfactorily, you might like to add that Captain Hardwick says you have qualified for the Coast Guard in every way. Do you understand, sir? In every way.”

“Thank you, sir,” said Henry. “Thank you very much;” and with heart beating high he marched from the cabin and made ready to go over to Manhattan to tell Willie and Roy the news of his permanent appointment as third-class radio man on the good ship Iroquois.