Page:The Wireless Operator with the U.S. Coast Guard.djvu/325

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Young Heroes of the American Navy

Being tales and adventures of the most noted young heroes of our Navy

The naval history of our country has developed many young men who through patriotism have performed many acts of daring heroism and whose names are in the hall of naval:fame. The book is fully illustrated with reproductions of the events which the various characters made memorable. 320 pages

The Cruise of the Deep Sea Scouts

Or, Boy Scouts Afloat. Illustrated with colored frontispiece

The activities of the Boy Scouts Afloat are today more interesting than ever before. Deep sea scouting is one of the most important activities of the Boy Scout Organization and the call of the sea is as strong as the call of the woods or the mountains, while the life of the sailor promotes the same discipline and training as does the life of the soldier. 320 pages

The Spy on the Submarine

A thrilling story of adventure on board a submarine destroyer and upon a submarine itself. This is an up-to-date story, full of the experiences which are daily happening and serving to make a large part of the history of this great war. 320 pages

The Air Raider

Winning the Gold and Silver Chevron

Our navy and shipbuilding yards were exposed to many dangers from enemies both within and without during the war. Few realized it, but Commander Parker did. THE AIR RAIDER gives a thrilling picture of what might have occurred in one yard, if certain loyal young men had not kept an ever watchful eye open for every emergency.

Sailing under Sealed Orders

A Story of the Navigator of the “Greenville,” Beautiful colored jacket.

“Sealed Orders” always sends a thrill through every. “Jackie.” “What Port” and “what’s up” are two principal questions asked. The author knows what boys like and Uncle Sam's Navy is an open book to him. 286 pages

Mr. Parker’s stories are based on his intimate knowledge of naval affairs. The experiences which his characters go through Will show to every reader of his books just what is happening or may happen within the gates of any of our Navy Yards, or on the high seas on board one of our great battleships. They are true pictures of naval life afloat and ashore.