Page:The Wireless Operator with the U.S. Coast Guard.djvu/85

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Destruction of the Derelict
Search grid
A—Where the Iroquois began her search.
B—Where the first pine boards were found.
C—Where the wreckage was found.
D—Where the hulk was found.
Dotted line A—D supposed course of derelict.

“We are now at A,” he said. “We’ll run off to starboard a distance, then make a right-angled turn to port, and on around so as to make a series of long rectangles, as it were. The sides of these rectangles will be as far apart as twice the supposed limit of visibility. Thus we shall be able to see everything that floats within the limits of our course.”

“How far do you think you could see this derelict?” said Henry.

“Not so very far. We are looking for an old, wooden schooner. Her masts are gone and her decks are awash. At least that is what she was like when sighted. She wouldn’t stick up above the water much, and this sea may have broken her in pieces. We might be able to see her five miles, so the sides of our rectangles couldn’t be much more than twice that distance apart.”

“That’s a fine scheme,” agreed Henry, “and I’ll bet you’ll find her.”