Page:The Wonderful Visit.djvu/186

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The Angel's Débutcontinued.


Mrs. Jehoram and the Angel (apart)—Mr. Wilmerdings playing.

"I have so longed for a quiet word with you," said Mrs. Jehoram in a low tone. "To tell you how delightful I found your playing."

"I am glad it pleased you," said the Angel.

"Pleased is scarcely the word," said Mrs. Jehoram. "I was moved—profoundly. These others did not understand … I was glad you did not play with him."

The Angel looked at the mechanism called Wilmerdings, and felt glad too. (The Angelic conception of duets is a kind of conversation upon violins.) But he said nothing.

"I worship music," said Mrs. Jehoram. "I know nothing about it technically, but there is something in it—a longing, a wish …"