Page:The Working and Management of an English Railway.djvu/47

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The scale of benefits is as under:—

Sum insured in case of death arising from accident whilst in the discharge of duty.

Allowance in case of permanent disablement and incapacity to resume employment arising from accident whilst in the discharge of duty.

Weekly allowance in case temporary disablement by accident whilst in the discharge of duty.

Sum insured in case of death from any cause not provided for in column No. 1

During continuance of disablement, not exceeding 52 weeks.
 £  £ s. d. s. d.  
Class 1 100 100 0 0 21 0 £10 0
 „ 2  80  80 0 0 14 0
 „ 3  40  40 0 0  7 0   5 0

The members elect delegates to represent them at the general meetings, viz., five for each of the twelve districts into which the line is divided, and the affairs of the Society are managed by a committee of 15 persons, 12 of whom are elected by the delegates from their own body, one representing each district, and three members are nominated by the Directors and are termed the "Company's nominees."

On the 31st December, 1888, this Society consisted of 39,602 members; its income for the year 1888 was upwards of £31,000, and it had an accumulated balance in hand of more than £23,000, the amount paid out to the members in the shape of benefits during the year being £29,148.

The "London and North-Western Provident Society," an offshoot of the Insurance Society, was established in 1874 with the object of providing a weekly allowance in cases of ordinary sickness for the men composing the wages staff of the Company (other than those employed in the locomotive department); a retiring allowance for permanently disabled members; and a sum at death in all cases not provided for by. the rules of the Insurance