Page:The Works of Abraham Cowley - volume 2 (ed. Aikin) (1806).djvu/71

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Well, since thou wilt not here remain,
I'll e'en to live without thee try;
My head shall take the greater pain,
And all thy duties shall supply:
I can more easily live, I know,
Without thee, than without a mistress thou.


Or I'm a very dunce, or woman-kind
Is a most unintelligible thing:
I can no sense nor no contexture find,
Nor their loose parts to method bring:
I know not what the learn'd may see,
But they're strange Hebrew things to me.

By customs and traditions they live,
And foolish ceremonies of antique date;
We lovers new and better doctrines give,
Yet they continue obstinate:
Preach we, Love's prophets, what we will,
Like Jews, they keep their old law still.

Before their mothers' Gods they fondly fall,
Vain idol-gods, that have no sense nor mind:
Honour's their Ashtaroth, and pride their Baal,
The thundering Baal of woman-kind:
With twenty other devils more,
Which they, as we do them, adore.