Page:The Works of Alexander Pope (1717).djvu/305

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The WIFE of BATH. 269

Yet I forgive thee-— take my laft embrace. He wept, kind foul ! and ftoop'd to kifs my face ; I took him fuch a box as turn'd him blue, Then figh'd and cry'd, Adieu, my dear, adieu !

But after many a hearty ftruggle part, I condefcended to be pleas'd at laft. Soon as he faid, My miftrefs and my wife, Do what you lift, the term of all your life : I took to heart the merits of the caufe, And ftood content to rule by wholfome laws ; Receiv'd the reins of abfolute command, }

With all the government of houfe and land ; > And empire o'er his tongue, and o'er his hand, j As for the volume that revil'd the dames, 'Twas torn to fragments, and condemn'd to flames.

Now heav'n on all my husbands gone, beftow Pleafures above, for tortures felt below : That reft they wifli'd for, grant them in the grave. And blefs thofe fouls my conduct help'd to fave !