Page:The Works of Alexander Pope (1717).djvu/341

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Twice taught the Rhine beneath his laws to roll,
And stretch'd his empire to the frozen pole;
Or long before, with early valour strove,
In youthful arms t'assert the cause of Jove.
And thou, great heir of all thy father's fame,
Encrease of glory to the Latian name;
Oh bless thy Rome with an eternal reign,
Nor let desiring worlds intreat in vain!
What tho' the stars contract their heav'nly space,
And crowd their shining ranks to yield thee place:
Tho' all the skies, ambitious of thy sway,
Conspire to court thee from our world away;
Tho' Phœbus longs to mix his rays with thine,
And in thy glories more serenely shine;
Tho' Jove himself no less content would be,
To part his throne and share his heav'n with thee;
Yet stay, great Cæsar! and vouchsafe to reign
O'er the wide earth, and o'er the watry main,
Resign to Jove his empire of the skies,
And people heav'n with Roman Deities.
