Page:The Works of Ben Jonson - Gifford - Volume 2.djvu/12

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This "Comical Satire" was first acted in the year 1599, "by the Lord Chamberlain's servants," that is, by the Company who played at the Globe, on the Bank Side, and who, a few years afterwards, (in 1603,) obtained a licence from James, and in consequence of it, took the appellation of his Majesty's Servants. It was printed in quarto for Nicholas Linge, 1600, "as it was first composed," for several retrenchments had been made in it by the players; and from this edition the folio, 1616, was copied with very little variation. This Comedy, like the former, appears to have been acted by the whole strength of the house, with the exception of Shakspeare, who found perhaps no part in it suited to his "gentle conditions." Its merits are unquestionable; but I know not its success; nor whether it ever appeared on the modern stage. It was often played afer the Restoration.

Jonson patched up a motto to it out of Horace, most of which is true, and all perhaps might have remained undisputed, had it been advanced by any one but the author.

Non aliena meo pressi pede—si propius stes,
Te capient magis—et decies repetita placebunt.