Page:The Works of Ben Jonson - Gifford - Volume 4.djvu/41

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Re-Enters, followed by Drugger.

What is your name, say you? Abel Drugger?

Drug.Yes, sir.

Sub.A seller of tobacco?

Drug.Yes, sir.

Free of the grocers?

Drug.Ay, an't please you.

Your business, Abel?

Drug.This, an't please your worship;
I am a young beginner, and am building
Of a new shop, an't like your worship, just
At corner of a street:—Here is the plot on't[1]
And I would know by art, sir, of your worship,
Which way I should make my door, by necromancy,
And where my shelves; and which should be for boxes,
And which for pots. I would be glad to thrive, sir:
And I was wish'd to your worship[2] by a gentleman,
One captain Face, that says you know men's planets,
And their good angels, and their bad.

Sub.I do,
If I do see them————[3]

  1. Here's the plot on't,] i.e. the plan or ground-plot. Thus sir Henry Wotton: "Some Italians doe prescribe that when they have chosen the floore or plot," &c. Elements of Archit. p.24. Whal.
  2. And I was wish'd to your worship, &c] i.e. recommended: See vol. ii. p. 308.
  3. I do,
    If I do see them
    —] Subtle is facetious, and plays upon the word angel, which he takes for a coin, and poor Abel for an attendant spirit.