Page:The Works of Ben Jonson - Gifford - Volume 6.djvu/142

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Chanon (canon) Hugh, vicar of Pancras and captain Thums.

Squire Tub, or Tripoly, of Totten-Court.[1]

Basket Hilts, his man and governor.

Justice Preamble, alias Bramble, of Maribone.

Miles Metaphor, his clerk.

Pol Martin, huisher to lady Tub.

Tobie Turfe, high constable of Kentish-town.

John Clay, of Kilborn, tilemaker, the bridegroom.

In-and-In Medlay, of Islington, cooper and headborough.

Rasi' Clench, of Hamstead, farrier and petty constable.

To-Pan, tinker, or metal-man of Belsise, thirdborough

Diogenes Scriben, of Chalcot, the great writer.

Hannibal (Ball) Puppy, the high constable's man.

Father Rosin, the minstrel, and his two Boys.

Black Jack, lady Tub's butler.

Lady Tub, of Totten, the Squire's mother.

Dido Wispe, her woman.

Sibil Turfe, wife to the high-constable.

Awdrey Turfe, her daughter, the bride.

Joan, Joyce, Madge, Parnel, Grisel, and Kate, maids of the bridal.


SCENE, Finsbury Hundred.

  1. Totten-Court, or Totten-Hall, now absorbed in the metropolis, was, when this was written, a hamlet, in the parish of St. Pancras.