Page:The Works of H G Wells Volume 8.djvu/426

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breach. Ever since 'e said she wouldn't, 'e's seemed to think I've got no right to spend my own money."

"'E's never liked your building the 'ouse," said Ann.

Kipps displayed wrath. "What the goodness 'as it got to do wiv' 'im?"

"Overman indeed!" he added. "Overmantel!. . . 'E tries that on with me, I'll tell 'im something 'e won't like."

He took up the second card. "Deshed if I can read a word of it. I can jest make out Chit-low at the end and that's all."

He scrutinised it. "It's like someone in a fit writing. This here might be W H A T—what. P R I C E—I got it! What price Harry now? It was a sort of saying of 'is. I expect 'e's either done something or not done something towards starting that play, Ann."

"I expect that's about it," said Ann.

Kipps grunted with effort. "I can't read the rest," he said at last, "nohow."

A thoroughly annoying post. He pitched the card on the table, stood up and went to the window, where Ann, after a momentary reconnaissance at Chitterlow's hieroglyphics, came to join him.

"Wonder what I shall do this afternoon," said Kipps, with his hands deep in his pockets.

He produced and lit a cigarette.

"Go for a walk, I s'pose," said Ann.

"I been for a walk this morning.

"S'pose I must go for another," he added, after an interval.