Page:The Works of J. W. von Goethe, Volume 12.djvu/416

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"The Incarnate Saviour has moved your heart to send us this money, which has served not only to appease our hunger, but actually to clothe us, when we were in want of everything.

"It would give us the greatest gratification possible if you would gratify our wish to see you once more,—especially mine, your mother, who never cease to bewail my separation from an only son, whom I would much wish to see again before I die.

"But if, owing to circumstances, this cannot be, still do not neglect to come to the aid of my misery, especially as you have discovered so excellent a channel of communication, and so honest and exact a merchant, who, when we knew nothing about it, and when he had the money entirely in his own power, has honestly sought us out and faithfully paid over to us the sum you remitted.

"With you that perhaps will not signify much. To us, however, every help is a treasure. Your sister has two grown-up daughters, and her son also requires a little help. You know that she has nothing in the world ; and what a good act you will perform by sending her enough to furnish them all with a suitable outfit.

"May God preserve you in health! We invoke him in gratitude, and pray that he may still continue the prosperity you have hitherto enjoyed, and that he may move your heart to keep us in remembrance. In his name I bless you and your wife, as a most affectionate mother,—and I, your sister, embrace you; and so does your nephew, Giuseppe (Bracconeri), who wrote this letter. We all pray for your prosperity, as do also my two sisters, Antonia and Theresa.

"We embrace you, and are,
"Your sister, who loves you,
"Giuseppe-Maria, Capitummino, and Balsamo.
"Your mother, who loves and blesses you,
who blesses you every hour,
"Felice Balsamo, and Bracconeri."

The signatures appended to the letter are in their own handwriting.

I had caused the money to be paid to them without sending any letter, or intimation whence it came. This makes their mistake the more natural, and their future hopes the more probable.

Now that they have been informed of the arrest and