Page:The Works of Lord Byron (ed. Coleridge, Prothero) - Volume 1.djvu/339

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Still[2] must I hear?—shall hoarse[3] Fitzgerald bawl
His creaking couplets in a tavern hall,
And I not sing, lest, haply, Scotch Reviews

Should dub me scribbler, and denounce my Muse?
  1. "The binding of this volume is considerably too valuable for the contents. Nothing but the consideration of its being the property of another, prevents me from consigning this miserable record of misplaced anger and indiscrimmate acrimony to the flames."—B., 1816.
  2. Imitation.

    "Semper ego auditor tantum? nunquamne reponam,
    Vexatus toties rauci Theseide Codri?"

    Juvenal, Satire I. l. 1.

  3. "Hoarse Fitzgerald."—"Right enough; but why notice such a mountebank?"—B., 1816.

    Mr. Fitzgerald, facetiously termed by Cobbett the "Small Beer Poet," inflicts his annual tribute of verse on the Literary Fund: not content with writing, he spouts in person, after the company have imbibed a reasonable quantity of bad port, to enable them to sustain the operation. [William Thomas Fitzgerald (circ. 1759-1829) played the part of unofficial poet laureate. His loyal recitations were reported by the newspapers. He published, inter alia, Nelson's Triumph (1798), Tears of Hibernia, dispelled by the Union (1802), and Nelson's Tomb (1806). He owes his fame to the