Page:The Works of Lord Byron (ed. Coleridge, Prothero) - Volume 1.djvu/492

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Dosed[1] with vile drams on Sunday he was found,
Or got a child on consecrated ground!
And hence is haunted with a rhyming rage—
Feared like a bear just bursting from his cage.
If free, all fly his versifying fit,
Fatal at once to Simpleton or Wit:840
But him, unhappy! whom he seizes,—him
He flays with Recitation limb by limb;
Probes to the quick where'er he makes his breach,
And gorges like a Lawyer—or a Leech.

[The last page of MS. M. is dated—

Capuchin Convent,
Athens. March 14th, 1811.

The following memorandum, in Byron's handwriting, is also inscribed on the last page: "722 lines, and 4 inserted after and now counted, in all 726.—B. Since this several lines are added.—B. June 14th, 1811.

"Copied fair at Malta, May 3rd, 1811.—B."

March 11th and 12th,
Athens. 1811.—[MS. L. (a).]
Byron, March 14th, 1811.
Athens, Capuchin Convent.—[MS. L. (b).]]

    go to some place where he is not known. Don't let him go to the devil, where he is known.'"—Boswell's Life of Johnson (1886), p. 281.]

  1. If "dosed with," etc. be censured as low, I beg leave to refer to the original for something still lower; and if any reader will translate "Minxerit in patrios cineres," etc. into a decent couplet, I will insert said couplet in lieu of the present.