Page:The Works of Lord Byron (ed. Coleridge, Prothero) - Volume 2.djvu/107

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Have passed to darkness with the vanished age.
Who late so free as Spanish girls were seen,
(Ere War uprose in his volcanic rage,)
With braided tresses bounding o'er the green,
While on the gay dance shone Night's lover-loving Queen?


Oh! many a time and oft, had Harold loved,
Or dreamed he loved, since Rapture is a dream;
But now his wayward bosom was unmoved,
For not yet had he drunk of Lethe's stream;
And lately had he learned with truth to deem
Love has no gift so grateful as his wings:
How fair, how young, how soft soe'er he seem,
Full from the fount of Joy's delicious springs[1]
Some bitter o'er the flowers its bubbling venom flings.N16


Yet to the beauteous form he was not blind,
Though now it moved him as it moves the wise;
Not that Philosophy on such a mind
E'er deigned to bend her chastely-awful eyes:
But Passion raves herself[2] to rest, or flies;

And Vice, that digs her own voluptuous tomb,
  1. Full from the heart of Joy's delicious springs
    Some Bitter bubbles up, and even on Roses stings

  2. [The Dallas Transcript reads "itself," but the MS. and earlier editions "herself."]