Page:The Works of Lord Byron (ed. Coleridge, Prothero) - Volume 2.djvu/414

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Thy factions, in their worse than civil war,[1]
Proscribed the Bard whose name for evermore
Their children's children would in vain adore

With the remorse of ages; and the crown[2]N20

    towards the Piazza. "The bones found in the wooden box were placed in the mausoleum with great pomp and exultation, the poet being now considered the symbol of a united Italy. The wooden box itself has been removed to the public library."—Handbook for Northern Italy, p. 539, note.

    The house which Byron occupied during his first visit to Ravenna—June 8 to August 9, 1819—is close to the Cappella Braccioforte. In January, 1820, when he wrote the Fourth Canto of Don Juan ("I pass each day where Dante's bones are laid," stanza civ.), he was occupying a suite of apartments in the Palazzo Guiccioli, No. 328 in the Via di Porta Adriana. Compare Rogers's Italy, "Bologna," Poems, ii. 118—

    "Ravenna! where from Dante's sacred tomb
    He had so oft, as many a verse declares,
    Drawn inspiration."]

  1. [Compare Lucan, Pharsalia, i. 1—

    "Bella per Emathios plusquam civilia campos."]

  2. [Petrarch's Africa brought him on the same day (August 23, 1340) offers of the laurel wreath of poetry from the University of Paris and from the Senate of Rome. He chose in favour of Rome, and was crowned on the Capitol, Easter Day, April 8, 1341. "The poet appeared in a royal mantle ... preceded by twelve noble Roman youths clad in scarlet, and the heralds and trumpeters of the Roman Senate."—Petrarch, by Henry Reeve, p. 92.]