Page:The Works of Lord Byron (ed. Coleridge, Prothero) - Volume 2.djvu/442

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Proud of their trampled nature, and so die,[1]
Bequeathing their hereditary rage
To the new race of inborn slaves, who wage
War for their chains, and rather than be free,
Bleed gladiator-like, and still engage
Within the same Arena where they see
Their fellows fall before, like leaves of the same tree.


I speak not of men's creeds—they rest between
Man and his Maker—but of things allowed,
Averred, and known, and daily, hourly seen—
The yoke that is upon us doubly bowed,
And the intent of Tyranny avowed,
The edict of Earth's rulers, who are grown
The apes of him who humbled once the proud,
And shook them from their slumbers on the throne;
Too glorious, were this all his mighty arm had done.


Can tyrants but by tyrants conquered be,

And Freedom find no Champion and no Child[2]
  1. For such existence is as much to die.—[MS. M. erased.]
    or, Bequeathing their trampled natures till they die.—[MS. M. erased.]
  2. [In his speech On the Continuance of the War with France, which Pitt delivered in the House of Commons, February 17, 1800, he described Napoleon as "the child and champion of Jacobinism." At least the phrase occurs in