Page:The Works of Lord Byron (ed. Coleridge, Prothero) - Volume 4.djvu/54

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But through the crevice where it came
That bird was perched, as fond and tame,
And tamer than upon the tree;
A lovely bird, with azure wings,[1]
And song that said a thousand things,
And seemed to say them all for me!270
I never saw its like before,
I ne'er shall see its likeness more:
It seemed like me to want a mate,
But was not half so desolate,[2]
And it was come to love me when
None lived to love me so again,
And cheering from my dungeon's brink,
Had brought me back to feel and think.
I know not if it late were free,
Or broke its cage to perch on mine,280
But knowing well captivity,
Sweet bird! I could not wish for thine!
Or if it were, in wingéd guise,
A visitant from Paradise;
For—Heaven forgive that thought! the while
Which made me both to weep and smile—
I sometimes deemed that it might be
My brother's soul come down to me;[3]
But then at last away it flew,
And then 'twas mortal well I knew,290
For he would never thus have flown—
And left me twice so doubly lone,—

Lone—as the corse within its shroud,
  1. [Compare "Song by Glycine"—

    "A sunny shaft did I behold,
    From sky to earth it slanted;
    And poised therein a bird so bold—
    Sweet bird, thou wert enchanted," etc.

    Zapolya, by S. T. Coleridge, act ii. sc. 1.]

  2. [Compare—

    "When Ruth was left half desolate,
    Her Father took another Mate."

    Ruth, by W. Wordsworth, Works, 1889, p. 121.]

  3. ["The souls of the blessed are supposed by some of the Mahommedans to animate green birds in the groves of Paradise."—Note to Southey's Thalaba, bk. xi. stanza 5, line 13.]