Page:The Works of Lord Byron (ed. Coleridge, Prothero) - Volume 4.djvu/84

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The wild glow of that not ungentle zeal,
Which of the Heirs of Immortality
Is proud, and makes the breath of Glory real!

Diodati, July, 1816.
[First published, Prisoner of Chillon, etc., 1816.]



Though the day of my Destiny's over,
And the star of my Fate hath declined,[3]
Thy soft heart refused to discover
The faults which so many could find;
Though thy Soul with my grief was acquainted,
It shrunk not to share it with me,
And the Love which my Spurit hath painted[4]
It never hath found but in Thee.


Then when Nature around me is smiling,[5]
The last smile which answers to mine,
I do not believe it beguiling,[6]

Because it reminds me of thine;
  1. Stanzas To ——.-[Editions 1816-1830.]
    "Though the Day."—[MS. in Mrs. Leigh's handwriting.]
  2. [The "Stanzas to Augusta" were written in July, at the Campagne Diodati, near Geneva. "Be careful," he says, "in printing the stanzas beginning, 'Though the day of my Destiny's,' etc., which I think well of as a composition."—Letter to Murray, October 5, 1816, Letters, 1899, iii. 371.]
  3. Though the days of my Glory are over,
    And the Sun of my fame has declined.—[Dillon MS.]

  4. —— had painted.[MS.]
  5. [Compare—

    "Dear Nature is the kindest mother still!...
    To me by day or night she ever smiled."

    Childe Harold, Canto II. stana xxxvii. lines 1, 7,
    Poetical Works, 1899, ii. 122.]

  6. I will not ——.—[MS. erased.]