Page:The Works of Lord Byron (ed. Coleridge, Prothero) - Volume 7.djvu/51

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To me, divine Apollo, grant—O!
Hermilda's[1] first and second canto,
I'm fitting up a new portmanteau;


And thus to furnish decent lining,
My own and others' bays I'm twining,—
So, gentle Thurlow, throw me thine in.

June 2, 1813.
[First published, Letters and Journals, 1830, i. 396.]



"I lay my branch of laurel down."

"Thou lay thy branch of laurel down!"
Why, what thou'st stole is not enow;
And, were it lawfully thine own,
Does Rogers want it most, or thou?
Keep to thyself thy withered bough,

Or send it back to Doctor Donne:[3]
  1. [Hermilda in Palestine was published in 1812, in quarto, and twice reissued in 1813, as part of Poems on Various Occasions (8vo). The Lines upon Rogers' Epistle to a Friend appeared first in the Gentleman's Magazine for April, 1813, vol. 83, p. 357, and were reprinted in the second edition of Poems, etc., 1813, pp. 162, 163. The lines in italics, which precede each stanza, are taken from the last stanza of Lord Thurlow's poem.]
  2. ["On the same day I received from him the following additional scraps ['To Lord Thurlow']. The lines in Italics are from the eulogy that provoked his waggish comments."—Life, p. 181. The last stanza of Thurlow's poem supplied the text—

    "Then, thus, to form Apollo's crown,
    (Let ev'ry other bring his own,)
    I lay my branch of laurel down."]

  3. [Lord Thurlow affected an archaic style in his Sonnets and