I promise you, upon my honour, I will come over tomorrow in the Afternoon. I was not wishing to resist your Commands, and really seriously intended coming over tomorrow, ever since I received your last Letter; you know as well as I do that it is not your Company I dislike, but the place you reside in. I know it is time to go to Harrow. It will make me unhappy; but I will obey. I only desire, entreat, this one day, and on my honour I will be over tomorrow in the evening or afternoon. I am sorry you disapprove my Companions, who, however, are the first this County affords, and my equals in most respects; but I will be permitted to chuse for myself. I shall never interfere in your's and I desire you will not molest me in mine. If you grant me this favour, and allow me this one day unmolested, you will eternally oblige your
Unhappy Son,
I shall attempt to offer no excuse as you do not desire one. I only entreat you as a Governor, not as a Mother, to allow me this one day. Those that I most love live in this County; therefore in the name of Mercy
with Miss Chaworth's mother, her stepfather Mr. Clarke, some friends, "and my M. A. C. Alas! why do I say my? Our union would have healed feuds in which blood had been shed by our fathers,—it would have joined lands broad and rich, it would have joined at least one heart, and two persons not ill matched in years (she is two years my elder) and—and—and—what has been the result?" (Life, p. 27).
Mrs. Musters, after an unhappy married life, died in February, 1832, at Wiverton Hall, near Nottingham.
The connection between the families of Chaworth and Byron came through the marriage of William, third Lord Byron (died 1695), with Elizabeth Chaworth (died 1683), daughter of George Chaworth, created (1627) Viscount Chaworth of Armagh (Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, vol. i. p. 198).Owen Mealey, the steward at Newstead.