Page:The Works of Samuel Johnson ... A journey to the Hebrides. The vision of Theodore, the hermit of Teneriffe. The fountains. Prayers and meditations. Sermons.v. 10-11. Parliamentary debates.pdf/411

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a sincere intention of obedience; because, by declaring ourselves his followers, we enter into obligations to obey his commandments. We are, therefore, not transiently and carelessly, but frequently and seriously, to ask ourselves, whether we firmly believe the promises of our Saviour—whether we repent of our sins—and resolve, for the future, to avoid all those things which God has forbidden, and practise all those which he has commanded. And when any man is convinced that he has formed real resolutions of a new life, let him pray for strength and constancy to persevere in them; and let him come joyfully to the holy table, in sure confidence of pardon, reconciliation, and life everlasting.

Which that we may all obtain, God of his infinite mercy grant, for the merits of Jesus Christ, our Saviour! to whom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, three Persons and one God, be ascribed all honour, adoration, and praise, now and for ever! Amen.


"Be not deceived, God is not mocked; for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he reap." Gal. vi. 7.

One of the mighty blessings bestowed upon us by the Christian revelation, is, that we have now a certain knowledge of a future state, and of the rewards and punishments that await us after death, and will be adjusted according to our conduct in this world. We, on whom the light of the gospel shines, walk no longer in darkness, doubtful of the benefit of good, or the danger of bad actions; we know, that we live and act under the eye of our Father and our Judge, by whom nothing is overlooked or forgotten, and who, though to try our obedience he suffers, in the present state of things, the same events