Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 11.djvu/102

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easy or so cheerful. I found my lord Godolphin the worst dissembler of any of them, that I have talked to; and no wonder, since his loss and danger are greater, beside the addition of age and complection. My lord lieutenant[1] is gone to the country, to bustle about elections. He is not yet removed; because they say it will be requisite to supersede him by a successor, which the queen has not fixed on; nor is it agreed whether the duke of Shrewsbury or Ormond[2] stand fairest. I speak only for this morning, because reports usually change every twenty-four hours. Mean time the pamphlets and half sheets grow so upon our hands, it will very well employ a man every day from morning till night to read them, and so out of perfect despair I never read any at all. The whigs, like an army beat three quarters out of the field, begin to skirmish but faintly; and deserters daily come over. We are amazed to find our mistakes, and how it was possible to see so much merit where there was none, and to overlook it where there was so much. When a great minister has lost his place, immediately virtue, honour, and wit fly over to his successor, with the other ensigns of his office. Since I left off writing, I received a letter from my lord archbishop of Dublin, or rather two letters, upon these memorials. I think immediately to begin my soliciting, though they are not very perfect; for I would be glad to know, whether my lord archbishop would have the same method taken here, that has been done in

  1. 'Earl of Wharton.'
  2. The duke of Ormond was appointed lord lieutenant, Oct. 26, 1710.
