Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 11.djvu/145

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might be killed immediately; and they say, called out three or four times, My lord Ormond, my lord Ormond. They say, Guiscard resisted them a while, until the footmen came in. Immediately Bucier the surgeon was sent for, who dressed Mr. Harley; and he was sent home. The wound bled fresh, and they do not apprehend him in danger: he said, when he came home, he thought himself in none; and when I was there he was asleep, and they did not find him at all feverish. He has been ill this week, and told me last Saturday, he found himself much out of order, and has been abroad but twice since; so that the only danger is, lest his being out of order should, with the wound, put him in a fever; and I shall be in mighty pain till to morrow morning. I went back to poor Mrs. St. John, who told me, her husband was with my lord keeper, at Mr. attorney's, and she said something to me very remarkable: that going to day to pay her duty to the queen, when all the men and ladies were dressed to make their appearance, this being the day of the queen's accession, the lady of the bedchamber in waiting told her the queen had not been at church, and saw no company; yet, when she inquired her health, they said she was very well, only had a little cold. We conceive, the queen's reason for not going out, might be something about this seizing of Guiscard for high treason, and, that perhaps there was some plot, or something extraordinary. Your grace must have heard of this Guiscard: he fled from France for villanies there, and was thought on to head an invasion of that kingdom, but was not liked. I know him well, and think him a fellow of little consequence, although

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