Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 11.djvu/287

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melancholy, while they were installing me, but it begins to wear off, and change to dulness. My river walk is extremely pretty, and my canal in great beauty; and I see trouts playing in it. I know not any one thing now in Dublin. But Mr. Ford is very kind, and writes to me constantly what passes among you. I find you are likewise a good politician; and I will say so much to you, that I verily think, if the thing you know of had been published just upon the peace, the ministry might have avoided what has since happened: but I am now fitter to look after willows, and to cut hedges, than meddle with affairs of state. I must order one of the workmen to drive those cows out of my island, and make up the ditch again; a work much more proper for a country vicar, than driving out factions, and fencing against them. I must go and take my bitter draught to cure my head, which is spoiled by the bitter draughts which the publick has given me. So go to your dukes and duchesses, and leave me to goodman Bumford, and Patrick Dolan, of Clanduggan. Adieu.

TRIM, JULY 16, 1713.

I HAVE been about five weeks in this kingdom, but so extremely ill with the return of an old disorder in my head, that I was not able to write to your grace. I have been the greatest part of that time at

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