Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 11.djvu/305

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in his favour, and we beg the continuance of it. Ministers of state have such multiplicity of business, that it is no wonder, if they forget low individuals; and in such a case, private persons must be beholden to some good natured man, to put those in power in mind of them: otherwise they may be forgotten, till old age overtakes them. Such well disposed remembrancers deserve access, familiarity, and interest with great men; and perhaps, they are the most useful servants they can countenance in their hours of leisure.

I need not tell you, that in point of time, he is above all pretenders to foreign business; that his affairs have now depended almost three years; that in the interim, it has gone very hard with him; and that he gave a very early instance of his zeal to the present administration. But what he builds his hopes most upon, is the promise my lord treasurer was pleased to make to the duke of Shrewsbury, just as his grace left Windsor, that a provision should be made for Mr. Davenant. We must entreat you to find some lucky moment of representing to my lord, that the young man is pressed by a nearer concern than that of making his fortune, and that lovers can hardly be persuaded to be as patient as other men. The duke has carried his mistress from him, and will not consent to make him happy, till he sees him in some way of being settled; in which how anxious any delay must be (possession depending upon it) he leaves you to judge, who have so well studied mankind, and who know, that love is a passion, in one of his age, much stronger than ambition. I beg your pardon for this long trouble, and am, sir,

Your most humble and most obedient servant,