Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 11.djvu/326

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DUBLIN, JAN. 15, 1713.

MANY of my letters from London tell me how much I am obliged to you for your friendly solicitation on my son's behalf, which will be always remembered by us both, with the same gratitude, as if it had succeeded. I had congratulations from the duke of Ormond, my lord Bolingbroke, and others, on account of my son's having the place, for they sent me word it was actually done; and several other persons had letters of it, and our friends were extremely rejoiced at the well timing of it, and it was a great addition to the mortification of the whigs: and the disappointment will be a cause of great joy to them. But in this, and all other things, I submit to the judgment of my superiours, who know best what is fit to be done. As to looking out for any thing else for my son, there is nothing else here, that I know is fit for him; and if any thing worth his having falls in England, it will be disposed of before I can have notice of it.

We are told by every body, that the rest of our vacant bishopricks will be filled to our satisfaction: if they are, you must be one of them. But if you are resolved, that you will not yet episcopari here, give me leave to recommend to you an affair of my lord Abercorn's, which is, that you would consent to the agreement the vicars choral have made with
