Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 11.djvu/345

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LONDON, JUNE 8, 1714.

SINCE you went out of the town, my lord Clarendon was appointed envoy extraordinary to Hanover, in the room of lord Paget; and by making use of those friends, which I entirely owe to you, he has accepted me for his secretary. This day, by appointment, I met his lordship at Mr. secretary Bromley's office[2]: he then ordered me to be ready by Saturday. I am quite off from the duchess of Monmouth[3]. Mr. Lewis was very ready to serve me upon this occasion, as were Dr. Arbuthnot and Mr. Ford. I am every day attending my lord treasurer for his bounty, in order to set me out; which he has promised me upon the following petition, which I sent him by Dr. Arbuthnot:

The epigrammatical petition of John Gay.

I'm no more to converse with the swains,
But go where fine people resort:
One can live without money on plains,
But never without it at court ——
If, when with the swains I did gambol,
I array'd me in silver and blue;
When abroad, and in courts I shall ramble,
Pray, my lord, how much money will do?

  1. Endorsed, "The dean sent Gay abroad."
  2. Bromley was joint secretary with Bolingbroke.
  3. Mr. Gay had been secretary, or domestick steward, to the duchess, widow of the duke of Monmouth, who was beheaded in the first year of king James II.
