Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 11.djvu/348

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landed,and I never the wiser: but if this place were ten times worse, nothing shall make me return to town, while things are in the situation I left them. I give a guinea a week for my board, and can eat any thing.

LONDON, JUNE 8, 1714.

I HAVE enclosed all the letters that have come to my hands. I saw my lord treasurer to day, who asked me where you were gone? I told his lordship you were in Berkshire. He answered, "It is very well; I suppose I shall soon hear from him." My lord Bolingbroke was very merry with me upon your journey, and hoped the world would be the better for your retirement, and that I should soon be the midwife. The schism bill was read the second time yesterday, and committed for to morrow, without a division. Every body is in the greatest consternation at your retirement, and wonders at the cause. I tell them, it is for your health's sake. Mr. Gay is made secretary to my lord Clarendon, and is well pleased with his promotion. The queen is so well, that the Sicilian ambassador has his audience to night. She can walk, thank God, and is well recovered. ******** consent, I will appoint the

  1. Afterward alderman, and chosen lord mayor in September 1732. In 1733, he distinguished himself in the opposition to what was called the excise scheme.
