Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 11.djvu/36

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you will be of my opinion in what I have told the archbishop about those addresses. And if his grace and clergy of the province send an address, I desire I may present it, as one of the chapter, which is the regular way; but I beg you will endeavour among you, that the church of Ireland gentlemen may send an address to set the queen and court right about the test; which every one here is of opinion you should do; or else I have reason to fear it will be repealed here next session; which will be of terrible consequence, both as to the thing and the manner, by the parliament here interfering in things purely of Ireland, that have no relation to any interest of theirs.

If you will not use me as your book-buyer, make use of sir Andrew Fountain, who sends you his humble service, and will carry over a cargo as big as you please toward the end of summer, when he and I intend my lord lieutenant[1] shall come in our company without fail, and in spite of Irish reports, that say we shall come no more.

I reckon by this time you have done with masons and carpenters, and are now beginning with upholsterers, with whom you may go on as slow and soberly as you please.

But pray keep the garden till I come.

I am, sir,

your most faithful humble servant,

Direct the enclosed, and deliver it to the greatest person in your neighbourhood.