Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 11.djvu/363

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plains, that the dragon[1] has used him barbarously; that he is in with the democraticals, and never conferred a single obligation upon him since he had the wand. Le temps nous éclaircira.

I propose to move on the 2d of August to Bath, and to stay there, or go from thence, according as our chaos settles here. I believe I shall not go to Abercothy, otherwise I would attend you. Shall not we meet at Bath? Before I began this paragraph, I should have added something to the former, which is, that the dragon is accused of having betrayed his friends yesterday upon the matter of the three explanatory articles of Spanish treaty of commerce, which he allowed not to be beneficial, and that the queen might better press for their being changed, if it was the sense of the house they ought to be so. The address then passed without a negative.

I thank you for the account you give me of the farm in Buckinghamshire. I could like the thing, and the price too very well; but when it comes to a point, I own my weakness to you. I can't work myself up to a resolution, while I have any hope of the 200l. a year I told you of in my own parish; it lies now at sale: if I miss, I would catch greedily at the other.

When I am at the Bath I will set down the hints you desire.