Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 11.djvu/372

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very civil answer; in which, however, I have desired to see the alterations: this is mentioned with great respect to my lord. Though he has promised to have it again to morrow, it is probable he may be disappointed, and there may be time enough for me to receive your directions what I shall do, when I get it into my hands. If the alterations are material, shall I send it to some other printer as it was first written[1]? Reflect upon every thing you think likely to happen, and tell me beforehand what is proper to be done, that no more time may be lost. I hate the dog for making his court in such a manner.

I am very sorry you have had occasion to remove your premier minister. We are told now, we shall have no change in ours, and that the duke of Shrewsbury will perfectly reconcile all matters. I am sure you will not believe this any more than I do; but the dragon[2] has been more cheerful than usual for three or four days; and therefore people conclude the breaches are healed. I rather incline to the opinion of those who say he is to be made a duke, and to have a pension. Another reason given why there is to be no change is, because the parliament was not adjourned to issue new writs in the room of those who were to come in upon the new scheme, that they might sit in the house at the next meeting. But I cannot see why an adjournment may not do as well at the beginning, as at the end of a session; and certainly it will displease less in January or February,

  1. This was a pamphlet entitled, "Thoughts on the Present State of Affairs." The queen's death prevented the publication of it in those times. It never appeared until the year 1741.
  2. The earl of Oxford.
