Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 11.djvu/375

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The queen has not yet appointed the time for removing to Windsor. My lord chief baron Ward is dead, and we have already named seven successors, among whom is our lord chancellor Phipps. Frank Annesley was to have had his place under my lord Anglesey, so that it is well for him we have provided him with another for life.

JUNE 17, 1714.

I AM sorry to find by those, that have fresher advices from you than yours of the eleventh to me, that Parvisol's[1] conduct puts you under a necessity of changing the administration; for it will probably draw you to Ireland whether you will or not. However, I hope to see you at Bath three weeks hence, whatever happens. I meet with no man or woman, who pretend upon any probable grounds to judge who will carry the great point. [A] Our female friend told the [B] dragon, in her own house, last Thursday morning these words: "You never did the queen any service, nor are you capable of do-

  1. Parvisol was the dean's agent in Ireland. The dean's observations on the names marked A, B, C, are thus written on the blank part of the original letter. [A] "Mrs. Masham, who was the queen's favourite, fell out in a rage, reproaching lord Oxford very injuriously." [B] "The dragon, lord treasurer Oxford, so called by the dean by contraries; for he was the mildest, wisest, and best minister that over served a prince." [C] Lord Bolingbroke, called so by Mr. Lewis."